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The Trademark Lawyer Magazine
Space No. 10

The Trademark Lawyer Magazine was first published in May 2013 and quickly established itself as a ‘need to read’ publication for international trademark and branding professionals. The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is now seen by over 10,500 trademark, branding, and marketing professionals around the world, alongside our bonus distribution at all the top international trademark focused conferences.
Published bi-monthly in both hard copy and electronically via the latest page turning software, The Trademark Lawyer prides itself in informing readers with the most current and informative articles every issue from prestigious trademark professionals around the world. The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is 100% focused on trademarks and is not diluted with generic IP articles and features.
Readership for this need-to-read publication is mainly split between in-house counsel and private practice; however our readership also covers branding experts, senior marketers and ‘C’ suite executives. The Trademark Lawyer Magazine is written and advised by an esteemed panel of international trademark experts and guest writers who provide up to date information on trademark law and branding issues.