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SnapDragon Monitoring
Space No. 1

SnapDragon is an online brand protection company dedicated to fighting fakes online. Born from our founder’s personal journey as an SME owner experiencing counterfeits, SnapDragon has become a leading light in intellectual property enforcement and brand protection, defending revenues, reputations and, just as importantly, consumers.

Working closely with IP teams and using clients’ IP rights, SnapDragon’s pioneering software Swoop monitors the world’s busiest online marketplaces for copycat goods, identifying suspect infringements for removal. Backed by AI-driven technology, Swoop has proved to be highly effective at detecting opportunities for further IP filings, as well as gathering the necessary evidence for future litigation. A flexible solution, SnapDragon supports legal counsel, attorneys and brands at several levels dependent on need and budget, from self-service to fully managed.

Whatever the size or scale of the issue, SnapDragon’s multilingual team of brand analysts ensure that counterfeiters can be defeated, protecting innovators, businesses and customers alike.


Rachel Jones, Head Dragon
Phone+ 44 (0) 131 466 9249
Address111 Whitehouse Loan
EH9 1AT Edinburgh
CountryUnited Kingdom