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Agustina Maria Fernandez Giambruno
Alberto Giordano
Sung Pil Hwang
South Korea
Péter Lukácsi
Simona Mantovani
Essenese Obhan
Enrico Panza
Larissa Pietoso
Alessia Rizzoli
Francine Tan
Monika Witkowska
Programme Committee
Paola Ruggiero
Benjamin Cantor
United States
Maria Cecilia Romoleroux
The main task of the Programme Committee is to monitor interesting developments in the field of IP and to identify hot topics which are relevant for future conferences, workshops and round tables as well as to identify suitable speakers for those events. The Committee assists the First Vice-President in preparing the professional programme for the Annual Conference by suggesting topics and speakers with the aim of promoting ECTA and the work performed by the Committees as well as aiming for a high professional level and interesting speakers. It contributes to relevant ECTA publications with information on the professional programme for the Annual Conference as well as other ECTA events.
The Committee also suggests topics and speakers as well as assists the ECTA Secretariat with the general organisation of other events such as workshops and roundtables. It keeps a look-out for suitable speakers and moderators and maintains contact with these, also in order to ensure substitute speakers in case of cancellations by foreseen speakers and moderators. It stays well informed of developments within the IP scene as well as of position papers and other work performed by ECTA Committees, incl. of programmes and speakers of other IP events in order to identify interesting topics and well-received speakers. Besides, the Committee updates the Management Committee on any interesting developments in this regard, suggests improvements of ECTA’s own professional events. Also, the Committee maintains an overview of past ECTA conferences, workshops, roundtables and similar events in order to analyse same for the purpose of varying topics and speakers going forward as well as to constantly improve and modernize ECTA’s events.
The Programme Committee is always chaired by the First Vice-President of ECTA, who is responsible for the academic programme of ECTA. The Committee is limited to 10 members in total and including the First Vice-President. The members are approved by the Management Committee for a two years term following the regular schedule of all other committees. The members may volunteer themselves to the Management Committee or respond to calls for members from the Management Committee.

The mission of the Programme Committee is to monitor developments in the field of IP, to identify hot topics and suitable speakers for future conferences, workshops and round tables and to assist the First Vice-President with planning the programme for Annual Conference.