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ECTA ®etreat ‘The never-ending challenge of shape protection: design, trade mark and copyright'
REGISTRATION for the ECTA ®etreat in Milan is now open! ECTA Members and colleagues from the same firm of an ECTA Member can attend at a reduced fee!

For the first time, the ®etreat will be a full-day event with lunch break. You may expect great IP experts and engaging discussions!

7 APRIL 2022 (MILAN, 9.30-16.30 CET)

Morning session – How are national jurisdictions implementing Cofemel?

The Cofemel judgment of the Court of Justice leaves much room for interpretation. Will copyright become the ultimate solution for the protection of shapes? With our experts we will try to better understand how the decision has been implemented in the jurisdictions of the Member States and whether it has had the revolutionary impact that some jurists have attributed to it.

Afternoon session – How do shape marks survive invalidity actions?

Shape marks continue to constitute crucial IP assets and, at the same time, they are subject to a growing number of invalidity actions, especially when enforced. In the light of the recent case law, what defensive arguments can be brought forward by the right owners? What kind of evidence increases the chances of success? How can trade mark owners limit their exposure? Our panel will explore these and other strategies that can be adopted to reduce the marks’ vulnerability.

Consult the programme including the panel of speakers here.

On request, attendees will receive a certificate of attendance to approach the respective national Bar Association with respect to CLE credits, if applicable. The event is accredited by the Ordine degli Avvocati di Milano - 3 CLE credits and the Ordine dei Consulenti in Proprietà Industriale - 5 CLE credits.

We are looking forward to welcoming many colleagues from Italy and beyond!