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ECTA Bulletin: the March Edition is Out!
ECTA Bulletin: the March Edition is Out!

✨ Exclusive interviews with João Negrão, EUIPO Executive Director; Mireia Curell, first female ECTA President and Member of Honour, and F. Peter Müller, Chair of the newly created ECTA Patent Committee.

✨ Sneak peek into the upcoming ECTA 42nd Annual Conference in Antwerp - Don’t miss the Early Bird pricing - Register before 29 March!

Case law on the enforceability of slogans in Germany; the distinctiveness of the Haribo gummy bear, and the intersection of celebrity fame and trade mark protection within the EU.

Articles on geo-blocking and the limits of enforcing copyright protection in the context of the Digital Single Market; the requirement of ‘trade mark use’ in Chinese trade mark practice; trade mark infringements of trade names from the perspective of Turkish Courts; strategies to protect GIs in the US with a focus on wines and spirits, and much more.

ECTA Committee updates and a warm welcome to our new members!

The print-friendly version is available for members only in the Library section of the ECTA private site.

We thank the ECTA Publications Committee for compiling another great issue. Enjoy reading it!

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