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EUIPO User Area Upcoming Releases
In the coming days, the EUIPO will release the following improvements to the User Area: 🔹 15 February - New Login Screen The EUIPO User Area login screen will have a slightly updated design. This visual change is part of an effort to enhance account and data security. The login process and your credentials will remain unchanged. 🔹 3 March - More Enhancements The EUIPO will implement a clearer and more detailed view of your portfolio’s progress and status, such as improved EUTM timeline, streamlined EUIPO account creation process, enhanced settings management, including updated privacy preferences and subprofile options. For support, contact or call +34 96513 9100.
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European Commission Presents 2025 Work Programme
The European Commission has published its 2025 Work Programme, outlining key strategies, action plans, new legislative initiatives as well as intended withdrawals for the coming year. The programme can be found here, alongside its annexes and brief summary, and is based on the Political Guidelines and mission letters sent by the President to each College Member. ECTA and its Committee are reviewing the IP-related elements of the programme to prepare for discussions at the upcoming official meetings between ECTA and various European Commission DGs in March 2025.
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SME Fund 2025: Call For Applications Now Open!
The application period for the SME Fund 2025 has opened today and will run until 5 December 2025. This Fund is a grant scheme designed to provide financial support to EU SMEs for protecting their Intellectual Property Rights. The initiative is led by the European Commission and implemented by the EUIPO. The SME Fund 2025 covers a range of IPRs, including trade marks, designs, patents, plant varieties, and the IP Scan service. All SMEs established in the EU are eligible to apply for a grant. Owners, authorised employees or external representatives can apply. For detailed information on requirements and how to apply, please consult here. You can also find helpful FAQs here. The EUIPO is organising a webinar 'New edition 2025 SME Fund. Boost your business with EU Funding!' (18 February 2025, 10:00 CET), providing detailed insights and guidance on maximising the benefits of the SME Fund 2025. You can register here for the webinar. ---- In line with the European Commission and EUIPO's focus on SMEs, ECTA established the ECTA SME Task Force years ago. This task force helps ECTA actively participate in EU discussions and activities related to SMEs. ECTA's goal is to promote greater and more effective use of IP by SMEs, while highlighting the important role of IP practitioners in this process.
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BE AN EARLY BEAR: Register Now for ECTA 43rd Annual Conference 'Bears on the Loose' in Berlin!
This is not the time to hibernate - BE AN EARLY BEAR ! Register now at our early bird rates for the ECTA 43rd Annual Conference in Berlin on 18-21 June 2025! Check out the Conference teaser here! This year’s Conference 'Bears on the Loose' celebrates Berlin’s heraldic bear and the city's vibrant atmosphere. With its melting pot of cultures, rich history, and dynamic scenes in creativity, technology, and innovation, Berlin is the ideal backdrop for exploring the world of intellectual property - it will keep our ‘IP Bears’ on the loose and engaged throughout the event! Check out the programme here, attendance options and prices here. Early Bird ends on 31 March! Not yet a member? Join ECTA before registering to attend the Conference at member rates. We have secured a number of rooms at the Hotel Intercontinental Berlin (Conference venue) and nearby hotels. For details on hotel options and reservation at ECTA rates and conditions, please refer to the confirmation email received upon registration. Hurry - ECTA rooms are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis! We can’t wait to see you in Berlin!
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Register for the ECTA Round Table in Alicante (27 February 2025)
The ECTA Round Table in Alicante returns on 27 February 2025 (16:30-19:40), co-organised with the University of Alicante and Magister Lvcentinvs - IP Master of the University of Alicante. The event will be hosted at the University of Alicante (Salón de Conferencias, Edificio San Fernando, Calle San Fernando 40, entrance via Carrer Velarde). The event is sponsored by PAPERZ IP. **MAXIMUM CAPACITY HAS BEEN REACHED FOR BOTH THE MAIN AND OVERFLOW ROOM AND REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED..** ▶️REGISTER HERE This year’s topic is "New Times for the Protection of Designs in the EU: What Will Change with the Reform?", featuring two insightful panels: Panel 1: EU Design Reform and its Implications Panel 2: Latest Design Case Law The program includes a coffee break between the panels and concludes with a cocktail reception at the same venue until 21:00. Please consult the detailed program with speakers here. The event is free of charge. As space is limited, please reserve your spot only if you plan to attend. Please note that once all seats in the main room will be occupied, participants may be placed in the overflow room.
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ECTA Member’s Voice: New secondary legislation for Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 on GIs for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products
By Aitor Pomares, ECTA Geographical Indications Committee Chair, Berenguer & Pomares abogados, Spain The European Commission has passed the new technical rules applicable to the Geographical Indications in the AGRI sector (wine, spirits and agricultural products). The Official Journal of 15 January 2025 has published: • The «Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/26 of 30 October 2024 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards registrations, amendments, cancellations, enforcement of the protection, labelling and communication in respect of geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed, and amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/34 as regards geographical indications in the wine sector» • The «Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/27 of 30 October 2024 supplementing Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 of the European Parliament and of the Council with rules concerning the registration and the protection of geographical indications, traditional specialities guaranteed and optional quality terms» Both Regulations are now in force and replace former Implementing Regulation 668/2014 and Delegated Regulation 664/2014. These European Commission’s acts supplement the main Regulation (EU) 2024/1143 and particularly establish the technical rules applicable to the proceedings for registration, cancellation and amendments of Geographical Indications and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed. They aim at ensuring the smooth functioning of the market of Geographical Indications and to simplify and rationalise the functioning of the system. The role of the Member States and the European Commission in the proceedings for registration, cancellation and amendments is better defined, seeking also for a consistent approach across Member States. These acts also establish the rules on the content and the form of the electronic Union register of Geographical Indications and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed. ECTA and its Geographical Indications Committee have actively participated in the public consultation providing input to the implementing regulations. ----- The views expressed are those of our members and not necessarily of ECTA as an association. The content has not been subjected to a verification process, the accuracy of the information contained in the article is responsibility of the author.
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ECTA General Committee Elections 2025/2027 – Apply by 14 February 2025!
The ECTA General Committee Elections are now open! If you are a member, please refer to the official communication you have received or login to your ECTA account to find the link to apply. If you are not yet a member, please apply for membership first. Being a Committee member is the best opportunity to get the most out of our association: you will enhance your network, expand your knowledge, contribute directly to impactful IP projects, and may represent ECTA at initiatives with key stakeholders like EUIPO, WIPO, and the European Commission. How to Apply: If you are interested, please ensure your 2025 ECTA membership is renewed before applying and review the following documents: • ECTA Committee Member Expectation Sheet • ECTA Bulletin article on General Committee Elections 2025 • Overview of our Committees The Committee term is two years (2025-2027), with a maximum of six consecutive years allowed on the same Committee (three terms of two years each). Kindly check your eligibility by reviewing your term in the ‘My Profile’ section on the ECTA website. If ineligible, you may apply to a different Committee or re-apply to your current one after a two-year break. Committee membership is not automatically renewed - current Committee members who have not reached this limit must re-apply if they wish to continue on the same Committee. Important: You may join only ONE Committee as involvement in ECTA Committee activities requires a significant time investment! In your application, please indicate your first and second Committee choices (if your first choice is unavailable, you will be considered for your second choice), outline your expertise and any previous involvement with ECTA and what you plan to achieve during the Committee term. Please bear in mind that acceptance into Committees is not guaranteed. During the assessment process your past involvement in ECTA activities, if any, and expressed motivation for a specific Committee will be taken into account. The deadline for applications is 14 February 2025 (no late applications will be accepted). You will be notified of the outcome in May 2025. The newly composed Committees will start operating on 1 July 2025, with the first meeting at the ECTA Autumn Meeting in Lyon (France) in October 2025. *Patent Committee: This Committee has just been established and is already at full capacity, so new applications will only be accepted in the next election round (2027). Current members will continue automatically and do not need to re-apply. *Mediation Committee: This Committee has just been established, current members will serve until 2027 and do not need to re-apply. However, we may accept a few new applications in this election round. *SME Task Force: The SME Task Force will become a Link Committee as of July 2025, thus (re-)application for the task force is not possible. SME-Link members will be nominated by the legal Committees after the elections. We look forward to receiving your application!
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EUIPO issues explanation of implementation of Article 5s of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014 on restrictive measures against Russia
Effective from 25 June 2024, Article 5s of Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, introduced by Council Regulation (EU) 2024/1745, prohibits EU IP offices from accepting new applications for certain IP rights from Russian nationals and companies. It also prohibits the submission of requests and participation in proceedings by these entities before the EU IP offices. Today, the EUIPO issued Communication No 1/2025, explaining how these new rules are implemented in its procedures (e.g. the scope of application of Article 5s and identifying the natural and legal persons concerned). The approach follows the FAQs published by the European Commission in November 2024.
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EUIPO Addresses Irregular ‘Change of Representative’ Requests
We inform our members that the EUIPO has recently detected a series of irregular attempts to replace legitimate IP representatives with fictitious ones. The Office has implemented the following measures: • Disabling malicious IP addresses linked to the incident and enhancing domain-level blocking and filtering; • Strengthening verification protocols before processing such requests; • Reversing fraudulent changes and allowing representatives to request reinstatement proactively. Representatives are advised by the EUIPO to regularly monitor their User Areas to verify the communications received and are encouraged to review their account security settings and stay vigilant. Affected users can contact for support. To read the official EUIPO press release, please click here.
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Conclusions from the Annual Meeting of the Circle of European Trade Mark Judges
We are pleased to share with ECTA members the conclusions from the 2024 annual meeting of the Circle of European Trade Mark Judges (CET-J), held in Riga. The CET-J is an independent group of 25 judges from 19 European countries that gathers annually in a European capital. These meetings serve as a platform to exchange insights and information on significant national case law, ECJ rulings, and emerging legal issues. The aim is to promote dialogue within the judiciary on key legal challenges and contribute to the development of harmonised case law across Europe. The meeting concludes with a summary of the most important points of discussions, referred to as the ‘Conclusions’.
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EPO and EUIPO Publish Joint Study on IPR and Firm Performance in the EU
A new joint study by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), published yesterday, analyses the economic outcomes of companies that hold IPRs compared to those that do not. The study, based on data from 119.000 firms across the EU (2013-2022), covers patents, trade marks, and designs registered with the EPO, EUIPO, as well as national and regional IP offices within the EU. The study highlights the significant economic value of IPRs, particularly for SMEs. Key findings include: 1) Firms with IPRs generate 23,8% more revenue per employee, rising to 41% when adjusted for industry, size and location with an even greater impact observed among SMEs. 2) Businesses that own IPRs pay employees 22% higher wages. 3) Around half of large companies hold IPRs, but only 10% of SMEs do. The full report and executive summary can be consulted here.
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ECTA 2025: Save the Dates!
We have an exciting year ahead with numerous events and initiatives planned for a great ECTA 2025. Be sure to mark your calendars: 🔹 ECTA Round Table (in collaboration with the University of Alicante and Magister Lvcentinvs) “New Times for the Protection of Designs in the EU: What Will Change with the Reform?” 27 February 2025, Alicante, Spain Register here 🔹 ECTA & APRAM (Association des praticiens du droit des marques et modèles) Joint Event 3 April 2025, Paris, France 🔹 43rd ECTA Annual Conference “Bears on the Loose” 18-21 June 2025, Berlin, Germany Early Bird registration opens soon in January - stay tuned! 🔹 ECTA Autumn Meeting (for Supervisory Board and Committee members) 30 October - 1 November 2025, Lyon, France Other key updates: 🔸 General Committee Elections open on 20 January 2025 - a great opportunity to apply for an ECTA Committee and maximise your involvement within ECTA. If you are not yet an ECTA member, make sure to apply for membership. If you are a member, don't forget to renew your membership for 2025 on time! 🔸 The ECTA Award competition is open for IP professionals and students. Submit your paper by 15 February 2025. More information on prizes and submission requirements here. 🔸 The ECTA Bulletin will continue providing us with IP updates, case law and insights in March, June, and October 2025. More events, webinars and initiatives will be announced during the year, don’t miss our updates!
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ECTA Files its second Amicus Curiae Brief
We are pleased to inform our members that ECTA has filed its second Amicus Curiae Brief, pending before the Grand Board of Appeal of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (GBoA EUIPO). The case regards whether a photographic image of a person’s face can serve as a distinctive and non-descriptive trade mark under EU law, in light of the perceived contrast between the Office’s approach and that of the Board of Appeals’, since the Office appears to systematically refuse registration of trade marks containing the face of a person, while in recent years, the Board of Appeal has ruled, by various decisions, that EU trade mark applications containing or consisting in a person’s face are not inherently devoid of distinctive character. We wish to extend our gratitude to the ECTA Amicus Curiae Task Force and to the volunteers of the Law Committee who co-wrote the brief, for their dedicated efforts in compiling the recommendations for the Grand Board.
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Madrid System: Frequently Asked Questions - NB! the Email Address Requirement
We would like to use this opportunity to remind our members that among other useful tools and resources the WIPO website offers a comprehensive Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section on the Madrid System. This resource provides valuable guidance for filing and managing international trade mark applications - which you may access here. As thousands of email addresses of applicants are still missing from the register, in particular, we wish to draw your attention to questions 25 to 36 of the FAQ, which address the requirement of providing an email address to WIPO for communications under the Madrid System, clarifying the process and helping resolve any related uncertainties. We also inform you about a free WIPO webinar 'Everything you Wanted to Know about the Madrid System' taking place shortly today at 16:00 (Geneva time), where WIPO specialists will provide answers to your questions and share insights about the Madrid System. If you are interested please sign up here.
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ECTA-WIPO Bilateral Meeting Held Yesterday in Geneva
Yesterday, ECTA and WIPO held their annual Bilateral Meeting at the WIPO Headquarters in Geneva to discuss topics of mutual interest and importance, such as, among others: • Key developments in the Madrid, Hague, Lisbon and PCT systems; • Results of the two Diplomatic Conferences of 2024, including the recently adopted new Design Law Treaty; • WIPO’s main developments and future plans, especially regarding SMEs, technological advancements, and AI-based tools; • Mutual cooperation opportunities and a range of other practical IP topics. ECTA was represented by Paola Ruggiero (First Vice-President), Anna Ostanina (Head of Legal Affairs), Bernard Volken (WIPO-Link Committee Chair), Valeria Conidi (WIPO-Link Committee Vice-Chair), Beatrix Breitinger (WIPO-Link Committee Secretary). We are sincerely grateful to WIPO for their hospitality and warm welcome in Geneva, productive discussions on highly relevant topics, and look forward to continuing the fruitful cooperation we have built over the years. Our thanks also go to our WIPO-Link Committee team, whose expertise is essential for the success of this collaboration and regular exchange.
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EUIPO Published ‘EU Member States’ potential for protecting craft and industrial Geographical Indications’
The EUIPO has released a new study ‘EU Member States’ Potential for Protecting Craft and Industrial Geographical Indications (CIGIs)’, analysing national interest and frameworks for protecting CIGIs (e.g. textiles, porcelain, glass) within the context of the new EU regulatory framework (Regulation EU 2023/241). Main findings: A fragmented approach with 16 EU Member States having sui generis protection systems for CIGIs, but with difference in terms of scope, administration, registration fees, and enforcement measures. Strong support from the private sector for CIGI protection, with a more moderate level of interest from the public sector. In particular, public authorities from 8 Member States indicated that their country could seek the opt-out under Article 19 of the CIGI Regulation. The study provides a compilation of current titles and ongoing applications of GIs for CI products at national level that will cease to exist (132 names), as well as a list of product names potentially protectable under the new system in the 27 EU Member States (380 names). Such findings are intended to help policymakers and stakeholders understand the national landscape and prepare for the full application of the Regulation by December 2025. To read the executive summary, please read here. To read the full report, please read here.
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EUIPO released a study on online copyright infringement in the EU
The EUIPO has just released its latest study ‘Online Copyright Infringement in the European Union: Films, Music, Publications, Software, and TV (2017–2023)’. Key Findings: On average, piracy remains at 10 accesses per internet user per month in 2023, though software and live sports events piracy have increased. For the first time, data on IPTV piracy is included, showing growth and a rising stock of potential users. Piracy decreased for publications, increased for music, and remained stable for films, software, and TV. Socioeconomic factors remain relevant in several cases - for instance, the wealth of countries (GDP), degree of equality (Gini index), the perception of IP by citizens and the volume of the legal offer of content can explain piracy. To read the executive summary, please click here. To read the full report, please click here.
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ECTA AWARD: Submit Your Paper by 15 February 2025!
ECTA invites all IP professionals and students to participate in the ECTA Award competition by submitting an article or essay of importance for the development of EU Intellectual Property Law. We are pleased to announce our collaboration with the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice by Oxford University Press, extending this year to both the professional and student categories. One winner will be selected from each category (professional and student) and will receive a monetary prize of €1,000 and 18 months of complimentary ECTA membership. Winners will also be honoured by ECTA President at the Award Ceremony during the ECTA 43rd Annual Conference in Berlin (20 June 2025) and invited to join us for the gala dinner. Furthermore, an interview with the winners will be featured in the October 2025 edition of the ECTA Bulletin, and the winning papers will be showcased on the ECTA website. A one-year complimentary online subscription to the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice will be granted to winners and, if not previously published elsewhere, the winning papers will also be considered for publication in the Journal. Please consult the ECTA Award submission requirements and judging criteria and send your paper to by 15 February 2025. Kindly indicate in your email whether you are participating in the Professional or Student category. All submissions will be evaluated by the ECTA Professional Affairs and Membership Committee with the support of other Committees and under the supervision of the Board of Directors. The publication of the winning papers in the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice is subject to the final decision of its editors.
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EUIPO unveils Strategic Plan 2030
The EUIPO has unveiled its Strategic Plan 2030, outlining key priorities and goals for the next five years. Adopted by the EUIPO’s Management Board and Budget Committee, the SP2030 will take effect on 1 January 2025. ECTA has actively contributed to the development of SP2030 by submitting comments during the consultation process and engaging in discussions at its Bilateral Meeting with the EUIPO. SP2030 is built around five strategic goals: 1. Optimising operational efficiency and effectiveness 2. Enhancing the value of IP products and services 3. Improving access to the IP system 4. Building trust and respect for IP 5. Ensuring the sustainability of the European IP network (EUIPN) The priority impact areas to drive these strategic goals forward will be: 1. Customer experience 2. IP awareness and education 3. Promotion of innovation 4. Inclusive IP landscape 5. Enforcement 6. IP Alliances The plan emphasises the importance of leveraging new technologies, such as AI and blockchain, to enhance IP services and streamline operations. It also highlights the importance of raising IP awareness and education, particularly among SMEs, young people, and women, as well as EUIPO’s commitment of promoting sustainability and environmental responsibility in the IP ecosystem. Cristina Bercial-Chaumier (ECTA EUIPO-Link Committee Chair) commented as follows: “We are very happy that the final draft of the SP was approved and thank the EUIPO for the extensive consultation which was carried out in its initial phase to be aware of the stakeholders’ concerns”. To find our more, please read the official press release here.
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DesignEuropa Awards 2025 in Copenhagen: Applications now open!
The EUIPO officially launched the 6th edition of the DesignEuropa Awards, which aim to recognise excellence in design and design management among Registered Community Design owners, including individuals, small businesses, and large companies. The submission period is open until 28 February 2025 and the awards ceremony will take place in Copenhagen at the end of September 2025. For more information, including the rules and regulations, please consult here. Inquiries can be directed to the DesignEuropa Awards team at
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