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EPO and EUIPO Publish Joint Study on IPR and Firm Performance in the EU
A new joint study by the European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), published yesterday, analyses the economic outcomes of companies that hold IPRs compared to those that do not. The study, based on data from 119.000 firms across the EU (2013-2022), covers patents, trade marks, and designs registered with the EPO, EUIPO, as well as national and regional IP offices within the EU.

The study highlights the significant economic value of IPRs, particularly for SMEs. Key findings include:

1) Firms with IPRs generate 23,8% more revenue per employee, rising to 41% when adjusted for industry, size and location with an even greater impact observed among SMEs.

2) Businesses that own IPRs pay employees 22% higher wages.

3) Around half of large companies hold IPRs, but only 10% of SMEs do.

The full report and executive summary can be consulted here.
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