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EU Design Legislative Reform Published Today
By Rogier Goos, ECTA Design Committee Vice-Chair, Winger, Belgium

With today’s publication, the Recast Directive on the legal protection of designs and the Amended Regulation on EU designs will enter into force on 8 December 2024. Member States have 3 years, until December 2027, to transpose the Directive into their national law. Most of the amendments to the Regulation will take effect on 1 May 2025, while provisions requiring further development through secondary legislation will take effect in July 2026.

The texts can be found here.

In recent years, ECTA has been highly engaged in the ongoing EU Design Reform. ECTA has regularly participated in discussions with officials during its Bilateral Meetings with the European Commission and the EUIPO, and has jointly advocated throughout the legislative process with other associations, notably INTA and MARQUES.

ECTA will continue this work, particularly with regard to the EUIPO Guidelines on Designs and the upcoming proposals for secondary legislation (Implementing and Delegated Regulations), which will follow today’s publication of the Amended Regulation text. As the texts of the latter are not yet available, ECTA will monitor developments closely and engage with stakeholders as new proposals are released.
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