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European Commission published the study on GIs and TSGs protected in the EU
The European Commission has recently published its evaluation support study on the geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed protected in the EU based on 3.286 names (3.224 GIs and 62 TSGs) originating from EU Member States and registered in the EU and 32 GIs registered through direct application by third countries.

The study shows that EU framework on GIs and TSGs is effective in reaching its objectives and provides an EU added value. In particular, a wide range of possible benefits for stakeholders has been observed, though these benefits are not systematic.

Among the limits, the study identified the low awareness and understanding of GIs and TSGs by consumers in some Member States as well as weaknesses of the controls at the downstream stages of the value chain.

Also, the schemes are considered coherent with other EU and national policies, but the considerations of GIs and TSGs for environmental sustainability and animal welfare could be further developed.

To read the executive summary of the study, please click here.

This study, along with the responses to the related open public consultation, will support the overall evaluation of GIs and TSGs protected in the EU whose aim is to assess the effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, relevance and EU added value of the current GI and TSG policy.

The evaluation will then feed into an impact assessment, on which a public consultation is ongoing. The purpose of the impact assessment is to present and analyse the policy options for a revision of the schemes.


ECTA, with the support of its Geographical Indications Committee, has provided input to the consultation on the evaluation of GIs and TSGs protected in the EU and is actively contributing to the ongoing consultation on the revision of the EU GIs scheme.
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