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LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER - ECTAPOLY: Testing the Limits of Good Faith!
Registration for the ECTA Alicante Round Table is now open, make sure to secure your place HERE!

17 February 2022 (Online, 16.30-18.30 CET) – ‘ECTAPOLY: Testing the Limits of Good Faith!’

After the welcome of ECTA Second Vice-President Carina Gommers (Wiggin, BE), Fabio Angelini (ECTA Copyright Committee Chair, Bugnion S.p.A., IT) will moderate this very unusual and interactive round table, in the form of a board game!

Our players will be Virginia Melgar (Chairperson of the 5th EUIPO Board of Appeal, ES), Verena von Bomhard (BomhardIP, ES), Elena Miller (ECTA Harmonization Committee Chair, Bojinov & Bojinov, BG), Ewelina Karolina Sliwinska (Legal Department, EUIPO, ES), Vanessa Mary Page Holland (Operations Department, EUIPO, ES)…and also the public!

The event will be held in English via the Zoom Webinar platform. The attendance fee is 20,00€ for ECTA members / 40,00€ for non-members. Students and officials can attend free of charge.

On request, you will receive a certificate of attendance to approach your national Bar Association with respect to CLE credits, if applicable.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at the event!
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