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Memorandum of Understanding with ELSA
ECTA is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the European Law Students Association (ELSA). This agreement has marked an important step towards the realisation of the strategic goal of the ECTA Management for engaging more closely with the student world.

The Memorandum provides for extensive collaboration in various fields such as common events, publications, and even participation of the students in the ECTA Award (student category).

We look forward to seeing many ELSA members at ECTA events which will allow for closer interaction of professionals with students.

Among the many projects of ELSA, the Student Trainee Exchange Programme (STEP) seems to be interesting for practitioners who wish to obtain legal interns specialised according to their needs for a limited period of time in their firms. For more details please visit and to participate please fill out online Traineeship Specification Form before 6 March 2019 where you may specify the upcoming interns' education level, language, and legal skills requirements.
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