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Educational credits
ECTA constantly provides high level educational content sessions during the Annual Conferences for attendees working in various fields of trade mark and design law. Please check with your local authorities if these sessions are recognised as credit point granters in your respective country.

Kindly pick up the Educational Credit Form together with your badge at the Registration Desk.
The completed and signed forms have to be returned to the Registration Desk by Friday, 20 June 18.00.

The certificates will be issued after the meeting based on the data provided on the forms.

If you apply for educational credits in Italy, you will need to sign the dedicated attendance sheets requested by the Italian bars at the Registration Desk BEFORE and AFTER each session you attend.
The respective sheets are available for signature, only for the members who are attending the session, 10 minutes before the session start and 10 minutes after the session end.
Please note that this step is mandatory for the accreditation of CLEs credits in Italy.

If you apply for educational credits in Romania, interested lawyers have to file an accreditation request at the National Institute for the Training and Improvement of Lawyers (INPPA) individually, at least 30 days prior to the conference, so that INPPA can evaluate if the conference is of interest for the continuous training of Romanian lawyers. After the conference, INPPA awards to the participants professional training points according to the criteria provided by the Methodology, based on evidence, delivered by each participant.