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SMD Group

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Trade Mark Searching and Watching – Worldwide SMD Group is in every respect a global trademark searching and watching company. Established in Germany more than 75 years ago, we have always maintained a competitive advantage in our own backyard. We pride ourselves on a tradition of excellence. SMD Group is a family-owned and operated business, staffed by a selected group of international professionals from within the IP community. Our services are delivered by dedicated expert researchers and we’ve developed a powerful network of more than 380 carefully screened independent IP lawyers, attorneys and practitioners from around the world to add critical support to projects that cross borders. Our mission is to provide high-quality, affordable, innovative IP products for you, the professional IP practitioner. We understand the needs of the trademark profession better than any other IP Services company, and when it comes to the European market, we stand head and shoulders above the rest.

Phone+49 4102 8048 0
AddressManhagener Allee 76a
22926 Ahrensburg