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Alexander von Mühlendahl

ECTA Honorary Member, Member of the Law and Harmonization Committees, Bardehle Pagenberg Partnerschaft Rechtsanwaelte Patentanwaelte, DE

Attorney-at-Law, BARDEHLE PAGENBERG, Munich, Germany, since 2005.

Visiting Professor, Queen Mary, University of London.

Munich Max Planck Institute for Intellectual Property Law, 1966-1979.

German Federal Ministry of Justice, 1979-1994.

Vice-President of the Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM), now EUIPO, 1994-2005.

Honorary Member of ECTA, Honorary Member of the Hungarian Trademark Association, Honorary Member of APRAM.

One of the original members of the IP Hall of Fame.

Honorary member of the Conseil d'administration of CEIPI, Strasbourg; member of the Advisory Council of the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London; member of the Fachbeirat of MarkenR - Zeitschrift für deutsches, europäisches und internationales Kennzeichenrecht.