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Jordi Güell


Jordi Güell is the founder of GUELL IP, an IP boutique in Barcelona (Spain). Jordi has over 20 years’ experience in IP and focuses his practice on advising national and multinational companies on matters relating to intellectual property and unfair competition. He represents clients in all matters before the Courts (Spanish Courts, General Court and Court of Justice of the EU), the EUIPO and the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office. Jordi holds a degree in law from the University of Barcelona, specialized in Intellectual Property and holds a Master’s degree in Competition Law. He is an Official Translator-Interpreter of English appointed by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is currently a professor of IP law at the Magister Lvcentinus in Alicante and at the post-graduate course of the Lawyer’s Barcelona Bar Association. Jordi has given presentations in many international events both in Spain and abroad and has published numerous articles on IP law. Jordi is a Member of the ECTA Board of Directors (Treasurer). From 2011 to 2015 he served as a Member of the Board of the Spanish AIPPI Group. Since 2013 is co-author of the INTA Annual Review of EU case law.