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Mladen Vukmir

ECTA President Mladen is practicing intellectual property law in Zagreb, Croatia, where he founded VUKMIR & ASSOCIATES law firm in 1991. Mladen obtained his law degree from the University of Zagreb and his Masters degree in IP from Franklin Pierce Law School. Among other stints, he worked for the California-based law firm Fenwick & West, Italian law firm Pavia e Ansaldo and for the United Nations Industrial Development Organization prior to founding VUKMIR & ASSOCIATES. He was retained as an expert advisor by the Croatian IP Office during its founding before he was appointed a patent and trademark agent before the CSIPO. He served as a Member of the Patent and Topographies board of Appeals and the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Croatian Patent and Trademark Bar. Mladen specializes in intellectual property and information and telecommunications law, licensing, commercial law, litigation and ADR. Mladen served as a consultant to various domestic and international organisations such as the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Croatian Government, the World Bank, the European Commission CARDS and PLAC programs, WIPO, and served at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Standing Committee for Expertise. Recently, he focuses primarily on strategic advising of the expanding central European businesses and on interest based conflict management. Mladen is an active mentor on the local start-up scene. His consulting work revolves around the topics of intangible asset management, IP rights portfolio building and management and complex branding and advertising issues. His work in ADR involves various aspects, where he serves as an arbitrator and a mediator at the Permanent Arbitration Court of the Croatian Chamber of Commerce, a Distinguished Neutral at the International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR), as a neutral on the INTA Panel of Trademark Neutrals and as a panellist at both the WIPO Domain Name Administrative Panel (UDRP) and the Czech Arbitration Court (.eu). Mladen is an International Mediation Institute (IMI) and Croatian Ministry of Justice accredited meditator, a government appointed ICSID conciliator and Croatian Mediation Association (HUM) trainer. Mladen is ECTA President.. He is a past President of the AIPPI - Croatian Group and past Member of the INTA Board of Directors.