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Ronald Van Tuijl
Intellectual Property Director Trade Marks, JT International SA, CH

Ronald van Tuijl is the Director of Trademarks & Designs at JT International in Geneva, Switzerland. He leads a team based across Geneva, Tokyo, and Warsaw, and is a member of the company’s IP Leadership team. Together with his team, Ronald oversees all Trademark, Design, Domain Name, and copyright matters for the global operations of the JT International group of companies.
Before moving to Switzerland, Ronald was Senior IP Counsel at Royal Philips in The Netherlands and prior to that he worked for over 8 years at Unilever in Rotterdam and London.
Ronald received his law degree from Leyden University in The Netherlands following which he started his in-house IP career in the IP department of KPN, the main telephony and internet provider in The Netherlands.

Besides his extensive experience in various FMCG industries, Ronald served on the INTA Board of Directors and is a former INTA President.