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Rosa Maria Ballardini
Associate Professor and Vice Dean (Research), Faculty of Law, University of Lapland, FI

Rosa Maria Ballardini is an Associate Professor at the University of Lapland, Faculty of Law. Since 2005 she has researched and thaught in the field of IP law at various univeristies. Rosa’s research interests focus on the interface between law (with focus on IP law) and technology. She also investigates issues related to IP law and sustainable development, including social innovation models. She has written extensively especially in the fields of patent and copyright law, open innovation and open source, as well as IP strategies and IP management in various technological contexts (e.g. software, 3D printing, Artificial Intelligence and industrial internet). Her research approach is multidisciplinary, combining law, technology, business and policy via using different types of methodologies (e.g. traditional legal research methods, empirical methods and design thinking in legal studies).