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Verena von Bomhard

Bomhard Intellectual Property, ES 

Verena von Bomhard has been involved with EUTMs from the very beginning, having been based in Alicante since early 1996 – through 2014 with her previous firm and since 2015 with BomhardIP. She has extensive experience in all matters relating to prosecution and enforcement of EU trademarks and designs, in handling proceedings before the EU courts in Luxembourg, in multijurisdictional trademark clearance, as well as advising on complex IP conflicts in the EU. She is a frequent author on issues of EU trademark and design law and co-editor of three leading commentaries including the Concise European Trade Mark and Design Law commentaries of Wolters Kluwer (with Alexander von Mühlendahl). She also teaches European trade mark law at the Magister Lucentinus – the IP Master Program of the University of Alicante. Verena obtained her law and doctorate degrees from the University of Munich. Having previously poured her passion into environmental law, in 1994, the prospect of opening an office in Alicante for the firm she was working for made her switch to IP – a decision she has never regretted, and which she knew would be right when she attended her first-ever IP conference, namely, ECTA in Cannes 1995.