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Joint ECTA & INTA session in Boston

ECTA is very proud about the joint INTA & ECTA session in Boston, USA moderated by Myrtha Hurtado-Rivas, where Cristina Bercial-Chaumier, F. Peter Müller and Andreas Renck discussed the impact and practical examples of abolishing graphical representation requirement in the EU.

The panel Abolishing Graphical Requirement: Impact and Practical Examples of This New (Non) Requirement Before EUIPO and EU National Offices held during the INTA Annual Meeting explored the following topics:

- Legal changes to EUTMR/EUTMD: no graphical representation required any longer
- Article 3 EUTMIR on trade mark types and Article 10 EUTMDR on proof of use
- EUIPO Common Communication and Guidelines (Part B, Section 4, Chapter 2)
- Challenges with respect to implementation and practical examples
- The future of past registrations in other categories for these new types of marks: What will happen to them?
- Interaction with the National Offices: national practice and cooperation projects

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