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World Anti-Counterfeiting Day: EUIPO 2022 update of the IP Youth Scoreboard
Coinciding with today’s World Anti-Counterfeiting Day, the EUIPO Observatory has launched the third edition of the IP Youth Scoreboard about IP infringement behaviours of 15–24 year olds across the EU.

The 2022 survey confirms to a large extent the trends identified in the 2016 and 2019 editions but offers additional insights into young people’s perceptions and attitudes at a time when online commerce and digital consumption have been increasing significantly.

The trend of accessing digital content from legal resources is confirmed with an increased majority of young people stating their preference for legal alternatives over pirated content.

21% of respondents acknowledge having accessed intentionally pirated content in the last year, in particular films, TV series, music and live sports events, from dedicated servers, apps and social media. A third of respondents find it difficult to distinguish legal digital content from pirated content or increasingly do not care.

The intentional purchase of counterfeit goods has increased: 37% of respondents bought at least one fake product in the last year. A similar proportion purchased fakes by accident due to difficulties in distinguishing genuine from counterfeit goods.

While young people surveyed still see price as the main driver towards piracy or counterfeiting, the relevance of social influences is increasing and the personal risk of cyberthreat or cyberfraud are now more identified as dissuasive factors from IPR infringement.

To consult the infographic of the survey, please click here.


ECTA is also actively contributing to the fight against counterfeiting by sharing professional experience and best practices at the EU level and beyond, inter alia in its Anti-Counterfeiting Committee.

"The ECTA Anti-Counterfeiting Committee acknowledges the importance of World Anti-Counterfeiting Day to inform about the reality and consequences of counterfeiting. Young consumers are key players in the fight against counterfeiting and must be supported to make informed choices. The EUIPO Observatory survey results provide a useful tool for policy makers as well as stakeholders to create awareness-raising initiatives." Luigi Sansone, ECTA Anti-Counterfeiting Committee Chair

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