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MBBC re-appoints ECTA as a permanent Observer for the period 2020-2025
ECTA is happy to inform that in November 2019 session the Management Board and the Budget Committee (MBBC) of the EUIPO, the MBBC have reviewed the modalities for the participation of User Association as Observers at the MBBC meeting for the period 2020 – 2025 and evaluated the functioning of the present UA observer scheme. As a result of this evaluation the MBBC have re-appointed ECTA as a permanent Observer for the period 2020-2025 alongside four other permanent Observers.

It was found that the participation of User Associations in their meetings had contributed positively to increasing the Office’s user-driven transparency and efficiency in its numerous activities and enhanced effective, regular and constructive interaction between the Office’s stakeholders.

In addition to the five permanent Observers (ECTA, AIM, Business Europe, INTA and MARQUES) other User Associations will be participating in the MBBC meetings on a rotating basis, two different User Associations each year.

ECTA is pleased with this outcome and thanks all ECTA members who dedicate time and efforts to the improvement of the IP system in Europe in general and enhancement of Office’s practices, in particular, through participation in various projects, meetings, consultations, contributions, events and otherwise.
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